What is Anxiety?

Fear, dread, and unease are all symptoms of anxiety. It can make you sweat, feel restless and tight, and cause your heart to race. It's possible that it's a natural reaction to stress. When confronted with a challenging situation at work, before taking a test, or before making a major decision, you could feel apprehensive. It may assist you in coping. Anxiety may offer you a jolt of energy or assist you in concentrating. However, for persons who suffer from anxiety disorders, the worry is persistent and can be overwhelming.

Anxiety disorders can in a variety of forms, including:
Anxiety disorder with symptoms of Generalized anxiety (GAD). GAD patients are concerned about everyday concerns such as health, money, work, and family. Their anxieties, on the other hand, are excessive, and they have had them for at least six months.
Panic disorder is another type of anxiety disorder. Panic attacks are a symptom of panic disorder. When there is no risk, these are brief, acute episodes of fear. The assaults start suddenly and last for several minutes or more.

Phobias: People with phobias have a strong fear of something that isn't actually dangerous. Their phobias could include spiders, flying, crowded areas, or social situations (known as social anxiety).


Feeling restless.
Being easily fatigued.
Having difficulty concentrating.

Being irritable.
Having headaches, muscle aches, stomachaches, or unexplained pains.
Difficulty controlling feelings of worry.
Having sleep problems, such as difficulty falling or staying asleep.

When to Seek help?

You believe that your excessive worry is affecting other aspects of your life, such as your career and relationships. 
You find it difficult to regulate your fear, concern, or anxiety. 
You have anxiety combined with depression, difficulties with alcohol or drug use, or other mental health issues. 
You suspect a physical health issue may be connected to your anxiety. 
You exhibit suicidal thoughts or actions; if this is the case, get emergency help right once. 
If you don't get help, your problems could not go away on their own and might even get worse over time. Before your anxiety worsens, consult a medical professional or a mental health professional. If you get treatment quickly, it will be simpler.


Click here to watch Ahmed Essam El Sayed's interview telling us his story with anxiety and stand-up comedy